Welcome to the Home Page of Dennis and Don's Collision Center. If there is any information that is lacking on this web site that you would like to see, please email us
In response to the current situation with COVID-19, we would like to offer our customers an alternative way to get auto claims and repairs started. In the interest of keeping everyone safe, we will now be offering photo estimates to allow us the opportunity to keep servicing our customers without putting them or our team at any unnecessary risk. Photo estimates will be an excellent opportunity for customers seeking repairs without insurance involvement or for those customers filing through our Direct Repair providers, MetLife and New Jersey Manufacturers. To obtain a photo estimate, please email necessary photos to [email protected].
For all other insurance companies, there is no need to get an estimate from us. All we need is acopy of your insurance estimate to [email protected] and we'll book your appointment right away!

Providing top quality repairs, speedy service and award winning customer service. Customer satisfaction is our number one goal and it starts by making the repair process as easy as we can for our customers.
Dennis and Don's Collision is a family owned and operated Collision Center servicing the community for 40 years. We take pride in every vehicle we repair which is why we offer a lifetime written warranty.
Dennis and Don's Collision is an approved and licensed auto body repair facility for all major insurance companies and we are a direct repair center for New Jersey Manufacturers and MetLife.
All repairs are completed "in house" by our top qualified technicians. Any damages related to the accident can be repaired here on the premises: body work, mechanical, paint and glass work. We feel that being able to repair every aspect of your car "in house" allows us to oversee all work and verify it is done to our high standards.
We only use the best and latest equipment and the best products on your car. Feel free to click the equipment link on the left panel to view our facility, equipment and paint materials.
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